Friday, May 07, 2004

Ansible 202, May 2004: "David Pringle, weary of business hassles after 22 years of editing and publishing Interzone, is stepping down and transferring control of the magazine to Andy Cox of The Third Alternative. His swan-song editorial should appear in the delayed issue #193 for January/February 2004, now expected in May with a Spring 2004 dateline. Existing subscriptions will be honoured by TTA Press. The Interzone era has been a remarkable one for British SF, and -- we all hope -- is far from over."
I was sad to hear of this, although at least it will hopefully continue. Interzone has been responsible for several rejection letters, some helpful advice and a lot of good fiction, including Zoran Zivkovic, AListair Reynolds and Paul DiFillipo, that I would never otherwise have read.