Sunday, November 13, 2005

BBC NEWS | Politics | Blair warned of party 'civil war':

I'm sure there's something not quite right about this but I can't quite put my finger on it....
"Conservative leader Michael Howard raised the prospect that Mr Blair may be able to rely on Tory support to get flagship policies through Parliament."

Bonfire Night

Originally uploaded by grazulis.
Went down to Lewes last weekend for bonfire. It's quite a big deal there with five bonfire societies all putting on various parades and firework shows. It has a very primeval feel with fireworks let off in the streets, displays that are the best I've ever seen, burning torches, and a controlled mayhem that doesn't sit well with our modern, nannying society. See the Cliffe Bonfire Society website

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Got the new Jah Wobble album last week. His first commercial release for a number of years (although he has been busy releasing stuff for the past few years on his own 30 Hertz label) it's not likely to be a huge hit but it is a nice continuation of the great music he's been creating. A couple of the tracks were a bit too "world dance" for me on a first listen but everything else leapt out. It's been a while since I heard an album that seems to just fill your head with music which may be something to do with the way it was mixed (see the website for more on that). But as with every release I only have to listen to it to five minutes to feel cheered up and like everything is good in the world - there can't be any higher praise for music than that. And I've even grown to like the subtleties of the tracks I didn't really like at first. See more details at the Trojan website including a download of a cheesy but funny video.